16. Wi-Fi Button

Overview of IFTTT

If This Then That, also known as IFTTT. it is a free web-based service to create chains of simple conditional statements, called applets.
An applet is  triggered  by  changes  that  occur  within  other  web  services  such as Gmail, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, or Pinterest.
For example, an applet may send an e-mail message if the user tweets using a hashtag, or copy a photo on Facebook to a user's archive if someone tags a user in a photo.
In addition to the web-based application, the service runs on iOS and Android. In February 2015, IFTTT renamed its original application to IF, and released a new suite of apps called Do, which lets users create shortcut applications and actions. As of  2015, IFTTT users created about 20 million recipes each day. All of the functionalities of the Do suite of apps have since been integrated into a redesigned IFTTT app.
IFTTT is the free way to do more with hundreds of the apps and devices you love, including Twitter, Dropbox, Evernote, Nest, Fitbit, Amazon Alexa, and Google Assistant.
On IFTTT, we call those services. To see all of  the services on IFTTT, check out     our services list.
We bring services together into Applets. Applets are specific things that can happen when you connect services  things your apps can't do on their own.
For example, you could use an Applet to sync Amazon Alexa to-dos with your Google Calendar. Or one that lets you create events in your iPhone Calendar, via Google Assistant.


Led positive terminal is connected to the D1 pin of NodeMCU with 220ohm Resistor and Negative terminal is connected to the Ground pin of NodeMCU.
Button one Terminal is connected to the 3v3 pin of NodemCu and Another terminal is connected to the D2 pin of Arduino and 10k ohm resistance is connected. The other terminal of !0k ohm resistance is connected to the Ground pin of Arduino.
You attach IR Proximity Sensor, Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) and Flame Sensor in place of Button according to your choice and make any types of notification system.


#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> 
const char* ssid    = "manish";
const char* password = "manish8294";
int button= D2;             // D2 pin of ESP12E board 
int LED =D1;        // D1 pin of ESP12E board
const char* host = "maker.ifttt.com";   //IFTTT channel address 
int buttonState = LOW;
void setup()
pinMode(button, INPUT); pinMode(LED,OUTPUT);  Serial.begin(115200);    
digitalWrite(LED,HIGH); // By default Off state
int value = 1; 
void loop()
buttonState = digitalRead(button);
if  (buttonState  == HIGH)
{                        //button is pulled down to ground via 10k resistor
if (value == 1)

WiFi.disconnect(); Serial.println("Button Pressed");

WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // connecting to wifi while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) 

digitalWrite(LED,LOW); // LED turns On WiFiClient client;
const int httpPort = 80;
if (!client.connect(host, httpPort))
Serial.println("Weak Network"); return;
// We now create a URI for the request

String url = "/trigger/hello/with/key/e5lLhsQ2tf7cXFBmW16aaEz- Awr3w4vO5wuM4ow1PaQ";
//our link to trigger the event with special key and event name
// This will send the request to the server
client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: " + host + "\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); // GET request
value = 0; delay(5000);
digitalWrite(LED,HIGH); // LED turns Off
else{ value = 1;

Method to Connect Facebook messenger/ Facebook/ Twitter/ Email using IFTTT:

Step1: Search IFTTT in Browser and open it.

Step2: After opening IFTTT. In Right-side upper corner have two option Sign In/Sign up option. You have already registered then you click on Sign In and you have new user then you click on sign up option.
After, Sign In/ Sign up open a new window. In this window you click on “If This Then That” option as shown in figure.

Step3: After Click on “If This Then That” open a new window as shown in figure.In this window you click on “+This” option.

Step4: Choose service Webhooks in search Bar and open it and Click on “Receive a Web request”.

Step5: Complete All trigger fields and create Event according to below figure and then click on Create trigger.

Step6: Now click on +That Icon.

Step7: Choose Action service Facebook Messenger/ email/ twitter/ Facebook. Here we select Facebook messenger. After, choose the action service Your account verification message is send in Your registered email id as shown in figure. you verified your account through the email id then further procced this Service otherwise, you don’t use this service. When Your account is verified then, IFTTT send Confirmation Message.

Step8: After account verification, then click on Send Mesaage or any option. Here We send message when Button is pressed so, I have choosed Send Message option and Open it.

Step9: In Message text You will fill which message you want to send through this service and then Click on Create action as shown in figure.

Step10: After creating Event Go-to Home page and search Webhooks in Search bar and open it.

Step11: Click On documentation and change Event name according your Event and copy the web file from trigger and paste in Code according to below figure.

NOTE: After Done all the above process code is Uploaded in Nodemcu board and Button is pressed then Message is Send In your Action Service (when you choose in Above process like, Facebook messenger, Facebook, email and Twitter) As shown in figure.
